According to the latest reports in film nagar, Tollywood super star Mahesh Babu is all set to fly one more time to Andhra Pradesh’s prospective capital Vijayawada to grace the audio launch event of his brother-in-law Sudheer’s upcoming film “Krishnamma Kalipindi Iddarini”.

This grand event is going to take place on the evening of 25th January amid many prominent Tollywood celebrities. Previously the makers of the movie decided to launch the music in Hyderabad but later shifted it to Vijayawada as the movie’s title mostly sounds the river ‘Krishnamma’. Actors Sudheer and Nanditha are second time paired up for this movie after their previous film ‘Premakatha Chitram’.  

Directed by R. Chandru and produced by Lagadapati Sridhar, the movie “Krishnamma Kalipindi Iddarini” is likely to be a Valentine’s Day (February 14th) release.


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