Suriya has filed a case against his online imposter. A Facebook account, which claimed to be the actor's official page, had created a big buzz on the internet. Suriya issued a press release that clearly states that the page is fake and he has now filed a formal complaint against the imposter with the Cyber Cell.
A few hours ago, the news about Suriya joining Facebook created a huge sensation and many followers across the globe joined and with that came lots of likes and shares. It is now being officially declared that it is a FAKE PAGE created by some unknown groups," the press release read.
It added, "Reacting to this, the authorised fans club of Suriya lodged a complaint about this fake page to the cyber crime department. It is an affirmation that actor Suriya is neither on Facebook nor Twitter. If and when he plans to join social media in future, authentic details and news would be officially made available to all."
The fake page had got overwhelming response from netizens, who assumed that the account would be an authentic one. The fans of the actor were also happy that they would get an opportunity to interact with their favourite hero. But now, they are disappointed that he is not taking a plunge in the social media world in the near future.
On professional front, Surya is busy shooting for "Masss". The movie is directed by Venkat Prabhu and produced by KR Gnanavel Raja. Nayantara and Pranitha are the female leads in the Tamil flick. It has Yuvan Shankar Raja's music and RD Rajasekar's cinematography with Praveen KL heading the editing department.
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