Ravi Teja and Rakul Preet Singh starrer 'Kick 2' was actually scheduled to hit the screens in the second half of May 2015. However, Makers have been forced to change the release date as 'Baahubali' got postponed to May 22nd from April 17th.

As per reliable sources, Kalyan Ram who is producing 'Kick 2' is eyeing May 7th as the release date. As 'Athanokkade' (which is his first commercial success) released on the same day, He believes this sentiment is going to work in his favour.

Raviteja and Surender Reddy are yet to take a call. If they believe a 2-week Box Office run is enough to score a super hit, They will opt for May 7th else looks for a date in April last week.

Not just 'Kick 2', Several other films will have a change of release date just to avoid clash with 'Baahubali' as its too dangerous to lock horns with SS Rajamouli. 


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