Legendary director Darshakendrudu K Raghavendra Rao was felicitated by Megastar Chiranjeevi in Vizag on the auspicious day of Maha Shivarathri. The director was conferred with 'Vishwa Vikhyatha Darshaka Brahma' title by T Subbarami Reddy Kalapeetham. He was also adorned with Swarna Kankanam. Chiranjeevi heaped a shower of praises on the great director. Industry's bigwigs Mohan Babu, Jayaprada, Jayasudha and many more celebrities have graced the occasion. Chiranjeevi and KRR worked for 15 films. 'Gharana Mogudu' and 'Jagadeka Veerudu Athiloka Sundari' were made in this combo and got industry hit statuses then.

Tags: chiranjeevi, k raghavendra rao, t subbarami reddy



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