The newly sworn in Chief Minister of Delhi, Arvind Kejriwal is living to his promise of shedding the VIP culture. As the Chief Minister of the state, Kejriwal is entitled for a posh bungalow in the National Capital but he reportedly turned it down and opted for a simple three bed room flat with a lawn. According to the party sources, Kejriwal wants to live in his own constituency (New Delhi) and is looking for a house in one of the government colonies in the area.

In his previous 49 days tenure as the Chief Minister, Kejriwal did the same. It is already known to our readers that the Aam Admi CM earlier also refused to accept the Z Plus category security offered by the Central government.

Arvind Kejriwal’s Aam Admi Party created a history by winning 67 out of the total 70 seats in Delhi Assembly. Since then Kejriwal is proving to be different in some aspect or other. He is now the only CM in the country who did not retain any portfolio with him. He instead will be overseeing all the ministers to make sure they live up to the people’s expectations.



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