As we all know, Tamil actors Rajinikanth, Kamal Haasan, Suriya, Vikram, Karthi and Vishal have a very good market in Telugu speaking states. However, none of our Telugu heroes have a decent market in Tamil Nadu. NTR, Mahesh Babu and Pawan Kalyan's films perform well around Chennai city, but that is only for the Telugu version.

Stars like Mahesh Babu, Ram Charan and Allu Arjun are trying hard to extend their market in Tamil Nadu. In spite of repeated failure attempts, both Mahesh and Charan are getting ready to test their luck once again. According to our sources, a Tamil distributor has acquired the dubbing rights of Mahesh Babu's '1-Nenokkadine' & Ram Charan's 'Govindudu Andarivadele'.

Dubbing work for both these films is almost completed and the release dates will be officially announced very soon. Let us wait and see if Mahesh and Charan can strike at the Tamil box-office or not. 


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