It is known that Pawan Kalyan has committed to work under the banner of Siri Media owned by Veteran Filmmaker Dasari Narayana Rao. At the same time, The Actor had also promised to do one more film with Director Kishore Pardasani aka Dolly after 'Gopala Gopala. Now, The trio is coming together for a biggie!

As per reliable sources, Pawan Kalyan has given his nod for a subject to be directed by Kishore Pardasani and this flick will be produced by Dasari. Sai Madhav Burra (Malli Malli Idi Rani Roju fame) is penning the dialogues. However, There is still no clarity if this project will go on floors ahead of 'Gabbar Singh 2' or after the Cop Drama.

Insiders say, Pawan Kalyan is determined to begin the shoot of one of his upcoming films in April this year. It could be any one among Gabbar Singh 2, Dolly-Dasari's film or Trivikram's project.


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