An interview given by Nirbhaya rape convict, Mukesh Singh, who is on death row, has triggered anger among many people of the nation.

Especially female celebrities took it to social network to vent their anger. An youngster like Taapsee went on demanding to know about the transformation these 'animals' are undergoing after kept behind bars.

"I'm literally speechless after reading his (Mukesh Singh) interview. God please forgive me for one murder, because I can't let this man go away", says Taapsee, breathing fire about the ridiculous talk made by the convict. Many celebrities have questioned about the new laws like Nirbhaya Act that are in existence to punish these beasts, but failing to change their morals. "His words make me question, how does imprisonment really change these men? If it doesn't, they why are they still here?", Taapsee asks further.

Probably the delay in hanging these proven rapists is the cause for his negligent, male-chauvinism laced talks, felt many. International observers say that many men India are having opinions similar to Mukesh Singh. Are our men listening? 


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