Akshay Kumar’s latest offering ‘Gabbar Is Back’ hit the screens on May 1st and opened to a superb response from the audiences. However, this film recently landed in a controversy.
Going into details, the film has a scene in which the staff of a hospital is seen indulging in unethical practices. This scene has rubbed the medical fraternity the wrong manner and Indian Medical Association (IMA) has released a statement in protest of the scene in the film.
According to the statement released by IMA, the entire medical fraternity is in deep anguish about the way the medical profession has been projected in the movie. Its portrayal is derogatory and unrealistic and IMA wants the above-referred scene to be withdrawn from the movie immediately otherwise the movie should be boycotted and banned.
Directed by Krish and produced by Sanjay Leela Bhansali, this film is an official remake of Tamil hit ‘Ramana’. ‘Gabbar Is Back’ is the story of a common man who fights against corruption.
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