After entering Bollywood, Ileana tried to avoid working in South Industries, especially in Tollywood, which made her a star actress. But her career is not so good as expected in Bollywood and so she has been contemplating on returning to Tollywood.
For a few days, there have been speculations that Ileana will be doing an item song in Akhil Akkineni's debut film, which is being directed by V.V.Vinayak. Gossip mongers are abuzz with rumours that it is the producer of the film, Nithin, who convinced Ileana to do this song. It is also said that Ileana demanded a huge remuneration for this song. Nithin and Ileana earlier worked together for 'Rechchipo' movie.
The shooting of Akhil's movie is currently going on in Spain. Thaman and Anoop Rubens are the music directors of this movie. Sayesha Saigal is making her debut in Tollywood as heroine with this film.
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