Pooja Kumar adult video goes viral, Adult Video Of Pooja Kumar Goes Viral, Uthama Villain actress Pooja Kumar adult video, Pooja Kumar adult video, Pooja Kumar Sex video

Many actresses Anushka Shetty, Lakshmi Menon, Radhika Apte, Hansika became the victims of leaked videos. It seems that this list gets longer day-by-day as actress Pooja Kumar also joined this list now.

Yes!! Uthama Villain actress is the latest one to join the list of victims of adult videos. An adult video of Pooja Kumar went viral on the social media.

Miscreants have targeted Pooja Kumar by circulation an adult video in almost all social media platforms. By observing all these, it is clear that miscreants are targeting the actresses who are in demand.

Earlier, Lakshmi Menon’s video was leaked as she got huge fame through Komban movie. Sonakshi Sinha’s semi-nude video was leaked when she got huge fame through Lingaa.

Pooja Kumar kept silent on this and it seems that she is completely ignoring the ongoing issue.

Let us hope, the cyber crime department takes care and found out the culprits soon…


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