For the upcoming "Guntur Talkies", National Award winning 'film' maker Praveen Sattaru is making things quite interesting. He's making his whole cast including Shradda Das, Mahesh Manjrekar and Jabardasth anchor Reshmi dub themselves for the show.

A dubbing making video is released by the movie team now, where Shradda is seen dubbing for the first time in Telugu and Mahesh Manjrekar too trying the same. But it's Reshmi who walks with the praises for her comedy act, saying "Paalu Levu". As she tries that in different modulations, its a fun to watch.

Only when all the actors in a movie could dub for themselves, authenticity in the acting gets retained. It's good to see that Tollywood transitioning in that way.

Watch : Paal'lev - Rashmi Gautam, Sraddha Das, Mahesh Manjrekar


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