imgWe have seen the likes of Radhika Apte, Hansika, Lakshmi Menon, Asha Sarath etc falling prey too the nude videos menace early this year. In May this summer, a steamy hot nude video of ravishing seductress Pooja Kumar stormed the message-sharing app WhatsApp and even on torrent sites. However, Pooja Kumar quickly clarified saying that it was not her who was featured in the video and wondered if it was her lookalike.

But looks like the menace is not over for Pooja yet. Of late, yet another nude video claiming to be Pooja Kumar's is creating a havoc on the internet. The video features yet again a lookalike of Pooja Kumar involved in a raunchy hardcore act. The video clip is currently in circulation shared by enthusiastic Pooja lovers.

This 38-year old dusky beauty, popular for her roles in Kamal's Vishwaroopam and Uttama Villain, was brought up in the US and she was also crowned the Miss Inda USA title in 1995. Even though Pooja made her silver screen debut in Tamil way back in 2000, the damsel is more popular in the American TV and films.


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