imgTelugu beauty Rakshita, who hails from Warangal, has carved a niche for herself here in Tollywood post her debut with "Bus Stop" as a flirtatious lady. Later she changed her name to Hasika, but Telugu industry haven't offered her any career defining roles or chances. 

Finally she got rechristened as Anandi and settled down in Chennai with her hands full of projects. Success of the film "Kayal" made her a star overnight in Kollywood and young heroes like GV Prakash have ran after her. Their recent movie together, "Trisha Illana Nayantara" too became a runaway hit, though her character has little bold shades. This hot Warangal girl has three films going through production at the moment, and her name is ringing bell in not just in Chennai film industry but also in remotest Tamilnadu towns. 

Even the likes of Sri Divya and Colors Swathi too enjoyed such craze, but they haven't turned the tide towards themselves to become star heroines there. Let's hope our Warangal girl won't miss out any such chances to climb to the top.


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