Director Boyapati Sreenu, who is capable of going the extra mile to reach the fans expectations, is coming up with another electrifying subject. Balakrishna’s ‘Legend’ celebrates its 275th day at Proddutur and total film unit attended the celebrations. Balakrishna thanked all his fans for making the film blockbuster.Speaking at the occasion Boyapati said that he will again work with Balayya for their third film.
Boyapati saud “After Simha, expectations were high on our second film Legend. I was delivered upto expectations.Now we are planning to come up with another film and this film will be better than Simha and Legend”, he said.
Legend’ was released on 28th March this year and was declared a huge success. The film went on to become one of the highest earners in Balakrishna’s career. ‘Legend' collected a share of Rs.38 crores and stood as the biggest grosser in Balakrishna's career. There were some reports that Balayya planning to rope Boyapati for his 100th milestone film.
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