Varun Tej's maiden film Mukunda that hit the screens on Wednesday (December 24) has landed in a controversy. Reports suggest that Siricilla police have registered case against producers of the film Tagore Madhu and Nallamalapu Bujji and director Srikanth Addala for allegedly portraying a community in offensive manner.

People belonging to this particular caste was hurt for portraying them in poor light in the movie and they lodged a complaint with Siricilla police.

Further, the community leaders are insisting the makers to tender an apology for hurting their sentiments and demanding to remove a few portions of the film.

The makers of the film are yet to respond to the issue and sources say they are trying to sort the things in an amicable way. Mukunda, however was panned by critics and audiences alike for the lead actors lackluster performances and slow narration.



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