Actress Charmme Kaur recently unleashed a vile attack on former Tollywood colleague saying the latter is simply “difficult” to see without make-up Charmme made the comments when on a TV show recently. The host asked the actress to name a colleague whom she thought should resort to an “artificial look to make heads turn”.

Charmme immediately said it was Ileana. She claimed that the actress was “difficult to look at without make-up” and that she must take her make-up kit with her “wherever she goes”.

Both actresses have previously worked in Telugu films and many claimed that the two never got along. After Charmme’s comments, it seems like the knives are still out in the open. It could also be case of jealousy, as Charmme is now looking at a comeback while Ileana has had a busy year. But why prolong a cold war? Is there no such thing as friendship in showbiz?


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