Neetu Chandra, the actress who entered Tollywood with the film Vishnu(2003) in which she played the role of Manchu Vishnu’s friend has later did a supporting role in Godavari, directed by Sekhar Kammula. Though she didn’t appear in lead roles, she was seen as a supporting actress. Neetu Chandraa has been making movies in Hindi, Kannada and Tamil too. Neetu is a multi talented, being skilled in Kathak dancing, Theatre acting and Martial Arts.

Neetu Chandraa is all excited about her new film is a English-Greek movie, titled as , Block 12, which will be released in a couple of months. When asked about her role and her experiences working in the movie, Neetu Said: “I’ve always considered as a global actress. I play an Indian girl, who comes into the lives of a family that is strained by friction and divided by social issues and my character brings them together. It’s a family drama, with the underlying tones of economic crisis engulfing the country. We shot in Cyprus for the flick and it was a terrific experience”.



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