“Om Managalam Mangalam” is a youthful entertainer directed by debutante Sanjeev Reddy and jointly produced by Madhura Sreedhar and MVK Reddy. The makers of this movie have come up with the latest strategy followed these days in terms of star hunt. 

Instead of sticking to the available actors in TFI, the makers of “Kerintha” movie conducted a star hunt for the cast. In a similar fashion, the makers of “Om Mangalam Mangalam” have also begun a star hunt. The deadline was extended till 31st December. All that is to be done to participate in this star hunt is to shoot a 1 min video of their performance and mail it to the team.

A video was released by the makers showing the introduction of Tollywood heroes over the years to serve as an inspiration for budding talents to open up. This video was appreciated by many people in the industry. The hunt for the lead pair is still going on so aspirants try your luck.



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