Award-winning filmmaker Mohana Krishna Indraganti has a reputation of making clean and critically acclaimed films. Right from his debut film Grahanam to his previous film Anthaka Mundu Aa Tharuvatha, Indraganti garnered laurels and accolades. But with his latest offing Bandipotu, he certainly missed the bull's eye as the movie failed to meet the expectations.
Although Allari Naresh is in good form and carried off the film on his shoulders, Indraganti definitely disappointed his fans with his latest film. Since the movie was coming from the auteur of films like Ashta Chemma, Golconda High School and home banner of EVV, expectations were high and Indraganti's intelligent con film seems to have backfired. Indraganti got it wrong to an extent but the film's cast Naresh, Sapathagiri, Rao Ramesh, Tanikella Bharani and Avasara Srinivas came to rescue.
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