Miss India contestant Pragya Jaiswal is the latest addition to Varun Tej's second movie. To be directed by Krish Jagarlamudi, Pragya will play female lead opposite Varun in the yet-to-be-titled movie. However, this is not going to be Pragya's Telugu debut as she is already doing a medium-size film "Mirchi Lanti Kurradu" which is in its final leg of its production.
Given that Varun Tej comes from "Mega" camp and even proved his mettle with his maiden film "Mukunda" and Krish has directed films like "Gamyam", "Vedam", "Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum", Pragya is naturally more than happy to be part of the film, say unit sources.
Jointly produced by Ramoji Rao and Rajeev Reddy, the film is going to kick start its shoot from Thursday
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