No doubt Kamal Haasan is a versatile actor and he comfortably can adjust into any character he gets to portray. Imagine a film of Kamal Haasan to be directed by choreographer turned director Prabhudeva. Both seem to be two different poles, don’t they? But if the reports are to be believed, then indeed these poles are going to meet.

It is in the news today that Kamal is going to do a quickie with Prabhudeva after his present films’ post production work wraps up. This indeed would be interesting to see Kamal Haasan in a movie directed by Prabhudeva who is famous for his potboilers unlike Kamal’s out of the box movies.

If this happens, then it would really be a big thing for Prabhudeva to direct Kamal Haasan. However in the concluding episode of Nag’s MEK, Kamal revealed that his next movie would be immediately a direct Telugu movie. Let’s wait and see what is in store actually for the audiences.



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