We all know that Tamil top star Suriya and class director Gautham Menon had a public spat and parted ways before the director's latest film with Ajith, Yennai Arindhal, started its shoot. The friend turned terribly sour when Suriya even issued a press statement stating that he wasted lot of time waiting for the director to complete the script. Suriya even said that he will never work with his Kaakha Kaakha director again.

However, after keeping quiet for a long time, director Gautham Menon has finally broken his silence over his clash with Suriya. Gautham said that he normally narrates only 75% of the film's script and that was what he did during Kaaka Kaaka with Suriya. But Gautham was in for a surprise when Suriya demanded for a bound script, creating misunderstandings between them which led them to part end their friendship.

Gautham also said that he is not on talking terms with Suriya and that he is not thinking about working with Suriya in the near future. Gautham is already busy shooting for his next film with Shimbu while Suriya has his hands full with several projects. Will the once upon a time friends team up again? Well, let's hope they will.


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