Telugu actor Rana who was linked with Trisha is now fallen in love with Samantha. There is news that both of them are seen together.Samantha is one of the leading actresses of Tamil and Telugu film industries. Samantha and Siddarth were deeply in love and there were rumours that both of them are going to get married. Siddarth is a divorcee while Samantha is unmarried.
At this juncture, there was difference of opinions between the duo and because of this both of them parted ways.They have also stopped pairing in films.
Now there is strong news that romance has blossomed between Samantha and Rana. Rana who is the grandson of the late famous producer Rama Naidu was linked with Trisha. Rana is also one of the leading actors of the Telugu film industry. Samantha and Rana have not denied this news.
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