Kajal, the ultra glamourous actress of Tollywood, is an angry bird these days. As per the inside reports, the actress is miffed with a top producer as he is yet to clear her payments to the tune of 90 lakhs. Kajal had appeared in the producer's last three films, and he only paid the advance for the last two films and never bothered to pay the full remuneration.

It is learnt that Kajal was given a blank reply when she reminded the producer about her payments. Miffed over his unprofessional attitude, Kajal did not even participate in the promotions for his last film. Interestingly, both the films ended up as average grossers in the final run.

According to further updates, the producer ran into severe financial issues during the making of his last film, with a top star and high budget. It was then a young hero and producer bailed him out and cleared all the dues. Apparently, this young hero cum producer will also settle Kajal's payments very soon.


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