South India's senior Mega Fans meet was held in Hyderabad today. According to the reports, Mega Fans were furious over Darshaka Ratna Dasari's speech at 'S/o Satyamurthy's audio launch. They have expressed their anguish to mega brother Nagababu, for not condemning Dasari's speech. They have also reportedly asked about Power Star Pawan Kalyan's silence on Dasari's speech. Mega Fans suggested Pawan Kalyan's fans should work with Chiranjeevi's fans. If not, the separation might affect directly on the collections of the movies. Nagababu, however, assured Mega Fans to bring mega heroes Chiranjeevi, Pawan Kalyan and Ram Charan to the same dais soon. Speaking to a top TV news channel, Mega Fans got enraged on Dasari and said they would retort to him soon.

Meanwhile, Swamy Naidu has been elected the president of 'All India Chiranjeevi Yuvatha'. Karate Prabhakar for Telagana and Prasad Reddy for Andhra Pradesh will act as the presidents of Chirajeevi Yuvatha.

Tags: mega fans, dasari, tv news channel, nagababu



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