We all know that a biopic is being made on the life story of Indian Cricket Captain, Mahendra Singh Dhoni. The film is being directed by Neeraj Pandey, the director who earlier made A Wednesday, Special 26 and recently, Baby. Bollywood's young sensation, Sushant Singh Rajput is reprising Dhoni's role on screen.
Titled MS Dhoni - The Untold Story, the film traces the unearthed facts and facets of Dhoni's personal life and his making of a cricketing legend. As per the Bollywood media reports, the film showcases Dhoni's romantic relationships with several women, before his wife Sakshi entered his life.
We had heard stories of Dhoni's alleged relationships with south beauties like Asin, Lakshmi Rai and the bombshell from the north, Komal Jha. However, the film now unravels Dhoni's extremely emotional relationship with a mysterious lady who passed away when they were in a relationship. Apparently, it was this lady who was instrumental in making Dhoni a cricket star. The film will be released in the second half of this year.
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