Actor Naga Chaitanya seems to have set his sights on foraying into Tamil cinema. Buzz is that the actor would take the plunge into Kollywood with a film directed by Chandoo Mondeti who shot to reckoning with Karthikeya recently. Apparently, Chaitu have given his verbal consent to star in a 'thriller' narrated by Chandoo.

"Chandoo recently met Chaitanya to narrate the plot line. The actor okayed the storyline and told Chandu to develop the story into a full blown script. The pre-production work of the film is going on in full swing," says a source close to the actor.

Tipped to be an edge-of-the-seat thriller based on a 'father-son' relationship, the film will be shot simultaneously in Tamil and Telugu. "Naga Chaitanya grew up in Chennai and is fluent in Tamil. He felt this film would be ideally suited for the Tamil debut. It'll be an experimental film for the actor and is about a father's love for his son. Moreover Chandoo is also proficient in Tamil," adds the source. The film is expected to go on floors in summer after Chaitanya completes shooting for his next, Doochey. 


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