After Nandamuri Balakrishna's 'Bangaru Bullodu' and 'Nippuravva' clashed by releasing on same days years before, one more such happening is going to take place tomorrow in Tollywood. We have hero Nani's films, 'Yevade Subramanyam' and 'Jendapai Kapiraju' hitting cinemas. Obviously the better film among them wins and definitely revenues gets split due to fans divided to watch between these two movies, but what is Nani has to say about them?
Not a surprise, but Nani is honest to agree that the better of them will pick the pulse, but he asserts that surely both do well. 'Yevade Subramanyam is an urbane entertainer catering mainly for multiplex audience. Jendapai Kapiraju is a mass film, in which we corrected all the loop-holes that didn't work in Tamil. So, both movies will do well at box office', says Nani, expressing confidence. 'As both films don't belong to same genre, there is no worry about clashing at box office', he adds.
For a hero with immense talent, surely one artistic film and one mainstream masala movie hitting on same day is like giving veg and non-veg dinners on same day. Yes we have different sets of audience, so lets celebrate the Ugadi in theatres tomorrow before judging what taste Nani's movies feel like.
TAGS : Yevade Subramanyam, Jenda Pai Kapiraju, Nani
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