We have already reported that Actor and Hindupur MLA Nandamuri Balakrishna will be attending as a chief guest for NATS (North American Telugu Society) 2015. All the arrangements are under progress and the guest list include Venkaiah Naidu, TRS leaders like Kavitha and Harish Rao, Nani and Kajal Aggarwal etc.
However, there is a dilemma among TRS leaders whether to attend this event or not. Even Balakrishna is reconsidering about his presence in NATS 2015. Well, there is a strong reason behind this sudden change.
Board Director Veeraiah Chandu has filed a lawsuit against Chairman Madhu Korrapati over the misuse of NATS funds. In his lawsuit, Mr Veeraiah mentioned that there is no accountability for close $2 lakhs. He alleged that a major amount has been transferred to a political party without the consent of other members.
After checking out this entire scenario, political leaders are trying their best to keep a distance from this event, says our sources. Pawan Kalyan was also supposed to attend this event, but he decided to skip it after coming to know about the lawsuit.
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