Couple of weeks ago, one of south India's leading production houses PVP cinema shook film fans by filing a civil and criminal case against Shruti Haasan. In its case, PVP Cinema's Picture House Media Pvt Ltd. alleged that Shurti broke her contract and backed out in the last minute from the multi starrer film featuring Nagarjuna and Karthi.

Alleging that they had to face severe reputational and financial damages, Picture House Media moved the court against Shruti signing any new films until further notice. Shruti's counsel in turn alleged that PVP is harassing the actress by false cases. Finally, much to the relief of Shruti Haasan, the matter has been resolved and Picture House Media has withdrawn its case against the actress.

Soon after the case gained steam, the president of the Tamil film producer's council, Kalaipuli S Thanu, entered the scene to negotiate with PVP heads. After few rounds of talks, the production house has finally decided to not proceed with the case any further. However, there is no news whether PVP demanded any monetary compensation towards their loss from the actress. 


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