Speaking at a film meeting the other day, popular Telugu girl Sri Divya, who is scaling heights in Tamil industry these days, has made her rules clear. "I'm against these glamorous roles, skin shows and lip locks. They are not my cup of tea. I've much acting to do than them", she insists. These comments are however looking opportunistic and selfish.
Tollywood is always proud that a Telugu girl is making to headlines in neighbourhood tinsel towns too. Truth remains the same that the very own Sri Divya wandered from producer to producer in Tollywood with an album where she posed hot and seductively. Luckily, she got opportunities to prove her mettle without any need for skin show. For that reason, she maybe a star now, but how can she forget the fact that even she tried luck with glamour? Her statements are bringing laughs surely.
Probably this explains why more Telugu girls not getting chances here. If girls like Samantha and Tamanna are indulging in skin show, that doesn't mean they have nothing to perform. Acting prowess coupled with some glamour is what makes many starlets these days.
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