An upcoming Telugu actress alleged that she was molested by a minor boy when she was asleep in her hotel room. Actress is presently shooting in Bhopal for her Bollywood debut and staying in a private hotel for the past few days where she was allegedly molested. According to actress, she was asleep in her room when the boy allegedly entered at 3 am on Friday and touched her indecently after locking the room from inside.
During a heated debate on a TV channel between the victim and accused, the actress slapped the minor boy and asked him to concede his "wrong doing". Police stepped into the action and took the boy into custody. Following complaint by the actress, police has registered a case of sexual harassment and trespassing against the hotel employee under sections 354 and 456 of the IPC.
However, the minor boy quashed them as "baseless" and begged a different story. He claimed that he was on duty on the sixth floor when he saw the door of the actress' room open. He added that she was completely drunk like other days, lying on the floor with the door ajar. He did inform the reception before entering the room. With no wrong intentions, he entered the room only to wake her up so that she could go to her bed after locking the door. Hotel manager too backed his employee and alleged that the actress is courting controversy to get publicity for her and her upcoming film.
A probe has been ordered by police. More details are awaited.
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