After the dismal show of 'Gabbar' remade from Tamil film 'Ramana,' now Shruti Hasan is making optimistic moves in Bollywood by accepting one more Tamil to Hindi remake. According to the reports, Anand L Rai has picked up Shruti and Imran Khan for his latest offing. This talented film maker is known for unusual selection of star cast like Madhavan, Kangna Ranaut in 'Tanu Weds Manu' or Dhanush, Sonam Kapoor in 'Raanjhanaa.'

Media sources are now learnt about Anand L Rai's first production will be a remake of hit Tamil film 'Kalyana Samayal Saadham,' directed by Prasanna, husband of heroine Sneha. As per the same reports, Shruti Hasan pairing with Imran Khan will be major highlight. The untitled Hindi version will also be directed by the same RS Prasanna. Shooting might begin in next couple of months and will be released in early 2016.

Like 'Tanu Weds Manu,' this new one will also be a romantic comedy with celebrative mood injected into the film. Tamil version was a decent hit and hopefully, Shruti Hasan would enjoy a big break in Bollywood with this remake.


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