Ever since Rajamouli's most ambitious film till date, Baahubali, was commenced a couple of years ago, humongous hype has been surrounding the film's making and its grand scale. With this craze, came in several nuisances like the leakage of nearly 12 minute raw footage from the VFX studio. The troubles continued till recently when the audio launch was postponed 2 weeks ago.

Now, a much bigger issue of the film's audio album being leaked online is haunting the team. Just when the unit members are planning big for the audio launch event in Tirupati, few pirates leaked 6 tracks out of 8 from Baahubali part one's album. The links of these pirated tracks have been doing several rounds on social media.

Reacting on this menace quickly, the film's unit members have already reported to the Cyber Crime Police and are in the process of getting the links removed. In order to see the leaked songs stopped from being spread on the internet, the makers released Sivuni Aana single track, which has been received well.

With nearly a month for the film's release, there is no doubt that the Baahubali team has a herculean task of protecting its full film from the pirates. After all, who can forget the shocking piracy of Atharintiki Dharedhi before its release? 


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