MSG-2, which was written, directed and music composed given by Ram Rahim. Hakikat Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. has produced this movie. This is the sequel of MSG that was released in February 2015. This movie was released on 18th of this month in Hindi and is ready to hit the theatres on 1st of October in Telugu. On this occasion, Ram Rahim spoke with the Telugu media in Mumbai.
“MSG that released in February is made on drugs racket and the youth getting attracted towards it. The film showcases how youth gets spoiled entering into the wrong stream and how our country is facing problems with it. The second part is released in this month and minted around Rs 102 cr. This made my belief stronger that message combined with comedy will always workout. To express something good to the society doesn’t have any language barrier. That’s the reason we are releasing it in Tamil and Telugu.
This film has a lot of stuff to look after. Action scenes are being received well; stunt masters warned me of having a body double, I didn’t have body double and performed action sequences on my own. When I did the first film Bollywood didn’t receive it well. They expressed their doubts over me. But as the second one released, a positive response came from all over. We are also planning to do a T.V series with some entertainment and message filled in it.” Ram Rahim said.
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