Recently, Nagarjuna's 56th birthday was celebrated grandly by his fans. Nag, along with his family members and close friends, too welcomed the 56th year in a foreign country. The handsome actor is back in town with rejuvenated energies, thanks to the success of the teasers of his and his sons' films.
In a latest interview, Nag revealed several interesting details about his family - wife Amala, sons Chay and Akhil and even his dad, late ANR. Speaking about his wife Amala, Nag said that he must have done something good in his life to get her as his partner and feels blessed to have her in his life.
Nag also credits Amala for bringing up Akhil as a level headed and down to earth youngster. Nag also revealed that Akhil has heart to heart conversations about life with his mother. Talking about Chay, Nag said that he is much more calmer and grounded than Akhil and that he often asks Chay why he never gets angry at all. Nag says that Chay is just like his mother.
Turning emotional, Nag said that Manam is his greatest achievement of his life as he fulfilled his father's wish of acting till his last breath. When asked about his message for his fans, "love my sons as much as you love me and my father," concluded Nag.
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