imgAnother kid has been introduced from Krishna's compound. Hero Sudheer Babu's son Charith was seen as child hero (Nani) in Bhale Bhale Magadivoy. The film directed by Maruthi has been getting super hit talk. So, it's kicking debut for Sudheer's son and Mahesh Babu's nephew Charith who impressed one and all with his cute and fine performance. In the film, Charith was seen as forgetful toddler. The scenes involving Charith were funny. Interestingly, Charith's uncle Naresh played his father in the rom-com. 

Earlier, Mahesh Babu too made his acting debut as child artist with 1979's Needa. Mahesh was four, when he first faced the camera. The actor then acted as child artist in several films, before making heroic debut in 1999 with Raghavendra Rao directed Raja Kumarudu. Last year, Mahesh Babu introduced his only son Gautham Krishna with 1 Nenokkadine for which the young kid won special jury award at MAA TV Awards Function. 

Meanwhile, Charith's dad Sudheer Babu is shooting for Bhalemanchiroju, while his uncle Mahesh Babu is set to join Brahmotsavam shooting soon in the month.


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