West Godavari has become focal point for vehemence of cine actors' fans. Bhimavaram Town in the district was emerged to be war ground, with Pawan Kalyan and Prabhas fans groups attacking each other. Now, its Balakrishna fans turn. Fans created hullabaloo in Eluru town of the district, claiming Balakrishna flexis were purposefully torn by unknown persons. The police intervened and made attempts to pacify the warring groups. Additional police force was deployed at Eluru city to bring the situation under control.
It may be recalled that, Pawan Kalyan and Prabhas had a street brawl on Juvvalapalem road in Bhimavaram town from the early hours of Thursday. Trouble began when fans of Pawan Kalyan found that the flexi put up by them was vandalized by some miscreants on Wednesday midnight. They jumped to a conclusion that it was the handiwork of the fans of Prabhas and resorted to remove all the flexi and banners of the hero and set them on fire. Both the groups resorted to stone pelting that resulted huge damage in the city.
Up till now, no hero had direct or indirect clash with other star in Tollywood. However, overenthusiastic fans are causing gratuitous uproar in the industry.
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