Pawan Kalyan, who has gone for a quick vacation to spend his birthday away from festivity, is back in the city. The first thing he has done after coming back is nothing but warning his own fans over the scuffle between them and Prabhas fans in Bheemavaram.
It is known than Pawan fans and Prabhas fans got in to a fight on roads of Bheemavaram blaming one another for tearing down the flexes of heroes. It ended up in pelting stones and setting up shops on fire.
This has drawn great attention as it also has a tinge of caste issue in the place. Pawan Kalyan reacted harsh on the issue and said the problem creators can never be his well-wishers.
He also informed that it has caused great pain to him and spoke to fan presidents and Kapunadu president to immediately calm down the issue. With this the issue seems to be settling down and Prabhas is also expected to issue a statement regarding this.
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