imgEvery update of Megastar Chiranjeevi's 150th film brings excitement among mega fans and they can't wait watching the most prestigious movie of Tollywood. Although Mega Power Star Ram Charan disclosed the news of Chiranjeevi's 150th, which is the remake of blockbuster Tamil film 'Kaththi, mega fans wish to get more updates of the movie.

It is a known fact that Lyca Productions has joined the production team apart from Ram Charan for this project. Lyca Productions is currently making ' Robot 2.0' with Tamil Superstar Rajinikanth as the hero. The producers have reportedly paid Rs.30 crores remuneration for Rajinikanth. 

As Lyca Productions becoming the partner of Chiranjeevi's 'kaththi', they reportedly fixed the remuneration of Chiranjeevi as Rs.30 crores which is on par with Rajini's remuneration. Obviously, Chiranjeevi will not only emerge as the highest paid actor of Tollywood but also for entire South. It must be remembered that Chiranjeevi was the highest paid actor of India in 1992 after his 'Gharanamogudu' scored an industry hit. He got Rs.1.25 crores remuneration then and which was more than double to that of the remuneration of other number one heroes of various industries of Southern cinema.


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