Mumbai: Kriti Sanon who currently tasting the success of her latest blockbuster, ‘Dilwale’ stays by herself in Mumbai. Hails from Delhi, Kriti moved to Mumbai to during ‘Heropanti’ days. But the actress may have company soon. In an interview, Kriti confirmed DC that Her sister Nupur Sanon may move to Mumbai and that too, with the aim of making it in showbiz as a singer.
“There are plans of my sister shifting to Mumbai with me. Once she moves in, it will become better for me. Nupur is very passionate about singing and she has also trained for it. She is dreaming of this, so let’s hope something good comes up.” she adds.
Looks like her dream will soon come true. Nupur Sanon recently croons the much popular romantic song ‘Janam Janam’ from ‘Dilwale’. The covers sounds soulful as the video went viral.
Watch: Janam Janam - Dilwale | Cover by Nupur Sanon ft. Twin Strings
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