The Madras High Court has issued a permanent stay on 'Main Hoon Rajinikanth' film from using actor Rajinikanth’s name, image, caricature and style of delivering dialogues. The Mumbai based, Varsha Productions which produced 'Main Hoon Rajinikanth' is earlier restrained from the release of the movie as they did not sought a permission from the actor prior.
Justice Subbiah observed that If any person uses the name of that celebrity without his permission, he is entitled for injunction since he could be easily identified by the use of his name by the others. South Superstar Rajinikanth is known for his style and enjoys a cult following that no other actor in India has. However, Rajini is against commercial use of his name and his reputation. He also doesn't like a biopic on him and so he approached the court.
The Madras High Court which accepted the case of Rajini, granted an interim order on September 17 and restrained the makers of 'Main Hoon Rajinikanth' from releasing the movie.
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