When you want to deliver a message, you should make sure that it is reached properly to the public in a smooth way. Other wise, your attempt might get misfired and all your efforts go in vain. Reason why they say “Its not what you say…but it is what how you say”. Happy days beauty, dusky siren Soniya must have forgot this and given a waste attempt to deliver a strong message to public. Let us see what exactly happened?

On the occasion of 8th March, which happens to be the world’s women’s day, few enthusiastic short film makers have come up with the video “Respect doesn’t stop at 9″ where heroine Sonia played the lead role. The message is clear that girls are free to do whatever they want to do after 9 pm also, as Sonia indulges in smoking, consuming a peg of alcohol and then browse pornography. The main purpose of the film is to deliver a message asking to not judge girls, but critics have started blasting Sonia for those drinking and smoking acts. Even she doesn’t support those acts, because irrespective of gender they are bad habits, still she wants people to get the message right.

Naturally the pot-shots of the critics have bothered Sonia very much ,which made her come up with a detailed explanation that goes like this. “I’m upset that these critics have missed the message in the film. We want to say that no man has right to judge a girl on the choices she makes”, said Sonia. In the wake Nirbhaya Rapist Mukesh Singh commenting that why women would come out of home after 9pm, Sonia and her gang of directors shot this flick. But, they delivered wrong message, somehow.



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