Ram Charan is gearing up for shooting of his next movie with director Srinu Vaitla very soon and an exclusive information about mega hero role got disclosed. Srinu Vaitla and his team are taking lot of care to keep minute things about their film, but mega hero's role from the movie leaked out.

As per sources, Ram Charan is going to play a 'Stuntman' in his next movie directed by Srinu Vaitla. Charan's role will have all key elements to attract all sections of audience and this character can be listed as one of the well written roles in his career.

To match up the new dead line of release date of My Name Is Raju, entire team is working aggressively in the pre-production work and needed changes are been made by the production house. Already Thaman has replaced Anirudh as music director for Ram Charan film and dates of rest of the actors are being closely watched to wrap up the filming of My Name Is Raju movie as early as possible. Watch the space for latest updates about My Name Is Raju! 


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