Singer Lata Mangeshkar was on Friday presented the ‘Laadli Voice of the Century’ award here during the sixth edition of the national Laadli Media and Advertising Awards for Gender Sensitivity. Queen won the best movie award, while advertising agency Ogilvy and Mather won the “Laadli Grand Prix” for its Titan Raga — ‘tum nahi badle’ advertisement.
The Laadli extraordinaire award went to Charu Khurana, who won a landmark judgment in the Supreme Court regarding Bollywood’s bias against women make-up artistes.
Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis was the chief guest at the awards ceremony.
Ms. Mangeshkar, who could not attend the function because of poor health, said the award was an honour. In her acceptance speech, which was read out by Harish Bhimani, she said that India would progress in the true sense of its term when every person valued the importance of the girl child. She dedicated the award to the women in the country, and said she would henceforth like to be called Lata Laadli, just as she is called ‘Lata didi.’ “I love the word ‘laadli’ because I was the ‘laadli’ of my father. Whatever I am today is because of him,” she said.
The award, which was handed over by Mr. Fadnavis, was accepted by Mr. Bhimani on her behalf. Legendary radio announcer Ameen Sayani, who was present, called Ms. Mangeshkar the “goddess of Indian light music.” A special CD consisting of 30 songs sung by Ms. Mangeshkar was released on this occasion. Renowned theatre personality Vijaya Mehta was present.
Mr. Bhimani, who received the award on her behalf, read out a couple of lines he composed for her. “You have transformed our moments of sorrow into sweet melancholy, and our happiness into ecstasy. Thank you for being Lata Mangeshkar,” he said. Mr. Bhimani has compered Ms Mangeshkar's music shows for 20 years.
Population First and UNFPA (United Nations Population First) also announced 13 national media awards and eight awards to advertising agencies.
Actor Lisa Haydon accepted the Laadli award on behalf of the cast and crew of Queen movie. Smita Bharti won the ‘best theatre award’ for her play ‘Jug Jug Jiyo.’
Legendary singer, Lata Mangeshkar, Voice of Century award, Voice of Century, Voice of Century award 2015, Laadli Voice of the Century award,Laadli Voice of the Century, Laadli Voice of the Century award 2015
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