Sun Tan – Home RemediesSun Tan is one problem which bothers us so much during summers. It is quite embarrassing and displeasing to experience the sun tan. Apart from this it is also accompanied by uneven skin tone, rashes and dullness.

The UV rays from sun light stimulates the production of melanin in the body by pineal gland. It is because of this pigmentation, the skin becomes dark and gives it a tanned look.

But there are solutions for this problem also. No, no, You need not spend a fancy sum on this. Everything is available in your kitchen. All you need is patience , persistence and best possible use of them.

1. Lemon Juice

Lemon JuiceTry lemon juice for effective tan removal, as it has natural bleaching properties.

Apply fresh lemon juice on the tanned area and allow it to dry, before washing the area with water.

Or Else add some sugar to the juice and rub gently over the affected areas. It removes the dead cells and dirt from the skin easily.

As lemon juice tends to dry up the skin never forget to apply moisturiser over the skin.

Honey and lemon face pack: Mix the juice of a lemon to a teaspoon of honey and apply it all over the face. Let it dry and wash the face with water. Lemon juice bleaches the skin and honey nourishes and soothes it.It is one of the best remedies for sun tan.

2. Yogurt

YogurtYogurt tightens the pores and soothens the skin. It is effective in removing the reddeness and skin burning. Simply apply a handful of fresh yoghurt on the face and neck before going to shower.

Yogurt Tomato and Lemon face pack.To half cup of tomato pulp add 1 tablespoon of both yogurt and lemon juice and mix them well. Apply this all over the face or to the affected areas.

Wash it off after half an hour.

Aloe Vera3. Aloe Vera

Due to its natural healing and anti-inflammatory properties it nourishes the skin and helps lightening the skin
For best results apply fresh Aloe vera gel daily before going to bed and wash it in the morning.

Raw Potato4. Raw Potato

Potato is an excellent tan remover as it has bleaching properties. It also soothes the burned skin.

For best results, can add some lemon juice to the potato paste before applying it, if yours is an oily skin.

Gram Flour (Besan)5. Besan / Gram Flour

Gram flour and milk face pack is an excellent remedy for skin tan. Gram flour removes the dead cells. Milk cools the skin and makes it look young and fresh. If yours is an oily and pimple prone skin use rose water instead of milk.

Mix a table spoon of gram flour to adequate milk and make paste. Apply it evenly all over the face. Wait for 20 minutes. Wash it gently massaging all over the face. Use this every week for best s

Cucumber6. Cucumber

Cucumber juice moisturises and soothes the skin. Application of cucumber juice daily over the face, before shower, benefits the skin a lot.

Almond and Chandan face pack7. Almond and Chandan face pack

Soak 5-6 almonds overnight, make a paste and to that add a tea spoon of chandan / Sandal wood powder. Apply it on the face and wash it off with water after half an hour. Almonds are rich in Vitamin E and omega 3 – fatty acids which are good for skin health.

Papaya8. Papaya

Take the pulp of Papaya and make paste out of it by blending it.Apply it all over the face and neck area. Wash it off after half an hour by gently rubbing all over the face.

Turmeric and lemon juice face pack9. Turmeric and lemon juice face pack

Make a paste made up of turmeric and lemon juice, apply it all over the face and wash it gently. Turmeric is known from ages to have a skin friendly effect.

Saffron and fresh cream face pack10. Saffron and fresh cream face pack

Soak few strands of Kesar or saffron in a table spoon of milk cream overnight. After blending it, apply gently on the face. Dry it for 20 minutes and wash with water. Saffron is known for ages for fairer skin.


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